191.  In plants, which are involved in testa formation
(A) tracheids
(B) sclereids
(C) sclerenchyma
(D) none of these


192. The etiolated plants lack
(A) chlorophyll
(B) xanthophyll
(C) caroteins
(D) none of these

 193. Highly intelligent mammals are
(A) rat
(B) bat
(C) dolphin
(D) elephant

194. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their
(A) stem
(B) root hairs
(C) leaf
(D) bark


195.  One of the following is not a function of bones
(A) support
(B) production of blood cells
(C) protein synthesis
(D) muscle attachment


196. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
(A) active transport
(B) osmosis
(C) diffusion
(D) both b and c


197. Pollination is best defined as
(A) germination of pollen grains
(B) transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
(C) formation of pollen grains
(D) none of these

198.  DNA structure was first described by
(A) Pasteur
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Watson and Crick
(D) Carlous Linnaues

199.  The most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere is
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Carbondioxide
(E) None of these

200.  Haemodialysis means cleaning of
(A) urine
(B) blood
(C) glomerular filterate
(D) coelomic fluid