1351. Who is the father of Biology?

A. Theophrastus
B. Darwin
C. Aristotle *
D. Bateson

1352. Who is the father of ” Protozoology ?

A. Theophrastus
B. Antony van leeuwenhoek *
C. Aristotle
D. Bateson

1353. Who is the father of zoology?

A. Theophrastus
B. Darwin
C. Aristotle *
D. Bateson

1354. Who is the father of Gerontology?

A. Paul Ehrlich
B. Antony van leeuwenhoek
C. V korenchevsky *
D. Erdmann

1355. The unit of life is _______.

A. Sub-atoms
B. Atom
C. Cell *
D. Tissue

1356. ______ is the study of animals?

A. Exobiology
B. Zoology *
C. Botany
D. Eugenics

1357. A structure formed by groups of similar cells, organized into loose sheets or bundles performing similar functions is called as _______.

A. An organ
B. An organism
C. A Tissue *
D. A Cell

1358. The name animal is derived from the word ______.

A. Anima *
B. Anemia
C. Aname
D. All of these

1359. Who is the father of Botany?

A. Lamarck
B. Darwin
C. C Linnaeus
D. Theophrastus *

1360. Who is the father of taxonomy?

A. De candolle
B. Hooker
C. Linnaeus *
D. Aristotle