2051. Bryophytes are :

A. Vascular plants
B. Tracheophytes
C. Non-vascular plants *
D. Prokaryotes

2052. Characteristics of smooth muscle fibers are :

A. Axle formed, unbranched , Nonstriated, Uninucleate and involuntary *
B. Spindle shaped, unbranched , Nonstriated, multinucleate and voluntary
C. Cylindrical, multinucleate, unbranched, striated, and involuntary
D. Cylindrical, unbranched, striated uninucleate and voluntary

2053. The brunner’s gland, which is characteristic of the duodenum, secretes two hormones known as:

A. Kinase, estrogen
B. Secretiri, Cholecystokinin *
C. Prolactin, Parathormone
D. Estradiol, Progesterone

2054. Phloem is a tissue found in :

A. Animals
B. Plants *
C. Insects
D. Mammals

2055. On the surface of the intestine’s epithelial cells, which are responsible for food absorption:

A. Pinocytic vesicles
B. Zymogen granules
C. Phagocytic vesicles
D. Microvilli *

2056. The normal level of HB per 100 Ml of blood in women is :

A. 14g *
B. 18g
C. 20g
D. 10g

2057. Bloc circulation was first explained by :

A. Jenner
B. William harvey
C. Mendel
D. Ibn-e-Nafees *

2058. Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous wastes in :

A. Frog
B. Birds *
C. Fishes
D. Man

2059. In cockroach, excretion is performed by :

A. Renette cells
B. Flame cells
C. Nephridia
D. Malpighian tubules *

2060. Guano refers to :

A. Ureotelic flightless bird
B. Bird dropping rich in guanine *
C. Extinct species of bird
D. Uric acid