1671. How many nucleotides specify an amino acid?

A. 3 *
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12

1672. What links codons and anti-codons together during DNA translation?

A. DNA ligase
B. Single-stranded binding protein
C. Complementary base pairing *

1673. Which of the following is not a source of DNA damage?

A. Chemical damage
B. Splicing *
C. Attack by water
D. Radiation damage

1674. At which position on the ribose ring is the base group attached to the nitrogen base group?

A. 1′ *
B. 2′
C. 3′
D. 4′

1675. Which of the following is not a component of the contractile ring?

A. Cyclin *
B. Actin
C. Myosin
D. Tubulin

1676. During which phase do mitotic cyclins accumulate in the cell cycle?

A. G1
B. G2 *
C. M phase
D. S phase

1677. Does a somatic cell have a haploid number of 20 after DNA replication How many pairs of sister chromatids are in the cell?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 20 *
D. 40

1678. Which of the following is not a type of cell that results from meiotic cellular reproduction?

A. Haploid
B. Diploid *
C. Gamete
D. Germ Cell

1679. The discovery that genes occur on chromosomes was made by _________.

A. Hargobind Khorana
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Gregar Mend
D. Thomas Hunt Morgan *

1680. Pasteurization involves the :

A. Exposure of good to high temperatures for short periods to destroy harmful microorganisms. *
B. Foods are heated to inactivate enzymes that cause undesirable effects during storage.
C. Foods are fortified with vitamin A and vitamin D.
D. Foods are irradiated to kill certain pathogens.