1101. The function of haemoglobin is ___________.

A. To transport oxygen *
B. Destruction of bacteria
C. Prevention of anaemia
D. Utilization of energy

1102. A person of which of the following blood group is called a universal donor ?

A. O *
C. A
D. B

1103. Enzymes help in ___________.

A. Respiration
B. Digestion of food *
C. Immune system
D. Reproduction

1104. Ptyalin is an enzyme prodced in the ___________.

A. Salivary glands *
B. Pituitary glands
C. Throid glands
D. Pancrease

1105. Heightened emotion is caused by ____________.

A. Pituitary glands
B. Thyroid glands
C. Adrenal glands *
D. Salivary glands

1106. The shortest bone in the human body is __________.

A. Vertebrae
B. Stapes *
C. Phalages
D. Metacarpals

1107. A balanced diet contains__________.

A. Animal protein
B. Macro and micro nutrients
C. Food nutrients for growth and maintenance *
D. Butter and ghee

1108. Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of _________.

A. 34-40
B. 17-35 *
C. 45-55
D. 10-17

1109. “Dossier ” means _________.

A. The do of medicine
B. The actual thing
C. Relevant papers *
D. Unarranged papers

1110. Lack of __________ causes diabetes________.

A. Sugar
B. Insulin *
C. Calcium
D. Vitamins