1621. Who is the father of genetics?

A. Charles Darwin
B. Gregor Mendel *
C. J.B. lamarch
D. Weismann

1622. Which is the basic unit of heredity?

A. Gene *
B. Genetics
C. Genome
D. Inheritance

1623. Genes are made of :

A. Cordon
B. DNA *
D. None of these

1624. Chromosomes are :

A. Parts of the human brain
B. Thread-like bodies in the nuclei that carry the genetic code *
C. A blood component that generates body heat
D. None of the above

1625. The way genes transmit traits from parents to offspring is :

A. Heredity *
B. Genetics
C. Genome
D. Inheritance

1626. The study of the structure and behavior of genes is called :

A. Molecular biology
B. Genetics *
C. Genotype
D. Inheritance

1627. RNA differs from DNA in containing :

A. Cytosine
B. Deoxyribose
C. Ribose *
D. Phosphate

1628. Which of the following is responsible for transferring genetic information from one generation to the next?

A. Cordon
B. DNA *
D. None of these

1629. DNA model was given by :

A. Beadle and talum
B. Fisher and haldane
C. Lederberg and Talum
D. Watson and crick *

1630. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by :

A. Charles Darwin
B. Gregor Mendel *
C. J.B. Lamarch
D. Watson and crick