1301. Anaemia is caused in man due to the deficiency of __________.

A. Folic acid
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B-12
D. Iron *

1302. All of the following are viral diseases ,except _________.

B. Chicken pox
C. Cholera *
D. Rabies

1303. Haemophilia means failure of the _________.

A. Heart to contract
B. Kidney to filter
C. Blood to clot *
D. Stomach to digest

1304. Goitre is associated with ___________.

A. Thyroid glands *
B. Pituitary glands
C. Pary-thyroid glands
D. Thymus glands

1305. Meningitis is a disease of human beings that affects _________.

A. Kidney
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Central Nervous system *

1306. Which one of the following disease is genetically linked ?

A. Epilepsy
C. Colour blindness *
D. Leucoderma

1307. Jaundice affects the _____________.

A. Lungs
B. Liver *
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

1308. Which one of the following is the correct group of diseasees exclusively caused by virus?

A. Measles,syphilis,rabies,cholera
B. Poliomyelitis,syphilis,meningitis,mumps
C. Cholera, tuberculosis,meningitis,symphilis
D. Measles,smallpox,mumps, rabies *

1309. Which of the following is skin disease ?

A. Anaemia
B. Pellagra *
C. Osteomalacia
D. Rickets

1310. Three commuicable diseases prevalent in developing countries caused by unsafe drinking water and bad sanitation are ______.

A. Malaria,acute diarrhoea and schistosomiasis *
B. Rheumatism,malaria and AIDS
C. Acute diarrhoea, cancer and gout
D. Onchocericiasis,leukemia and arthritis