1451. Which of the following meiotic phases is the longest ?

A. Prophase 1 *
B. Metaphase 1
C. Anaphase 2
D. Telophase 2

1452. What class of cells are reproduced during meiosis?

A. Germ cells *
B. Somatic cells
C. Diploid cells
D. Cancerous cells

1453. Cellular reproduction is involved in all of the following processes except which ?

A. Development
B. Cell maintenance
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Protein degradation *

1454. Which mitotic phase directly follow G1 of interphase ?

A. Cytokinesis
B. Prophase *
C. Metaphase
D. Anaphase

1455. During which meiotic phase are sister chromatids separated ?

A. Metaphase 1
B. Metaphase 2
C. Anaphase 1
D. Anaphase 2 *

1456.Chromosomes are composed of what biological molecule?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Adenosine triphosphate
C. Adenosine monophosphate
D. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) *

1457. The two major phases of the cell cycle are which of the following ?

A. G1 and G2
B. M phase and interphase *
C. Prophase 1 and prophase 2
D. M Phase and S Phase

1458. Which of the following is not characteristic of a cell mitotic prophase ?

A. Condensed chromosomes
B. Rearranged cytoskeleton
C. Intact nucleus
D. Metaphase plate *

1459. The number of distinct chromosomes in a cell is its __________ number .

A. Single
B. Chiasma
C. Haploid *
D. Diploid

1460. Which class of microtubules is responsible for capturing chromosomes during mitosis ?

A. Astral
B. Kinetochore *
C. Polar
D. Radial