1241. The unused fate present in the body is ?

A. Converted into carbohydrates
B. Removed as waste from the body
C. Reconverted into animal fate and stored in different parts of the body *
D. Easily destroyed by certain enzymes present in the body

1242. Which is an essential constituent of diet ?

A. Starch *
B. Glucose
C. Amino acid
D. Carbohydrates

1243. Which of the following gives maximum energy in metabolic process______.

A. Proteins
B. Carbohydates
C. Vitamins
D. Fats *

1244. Which has maximum protein?

A. Ground nut *
B. Cow Milk
C. Egg
D. Wheat

1245. Lack of essential amino acids in diet can cause disease such as _________.

A. Kwashiorkor *
B. Rickets
C. Scurvy
D. Diabetes

1246. Which are not the essential constituents of balanced diet ?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Vitamins
D. Hormones *

1247. Which of the following regulates the metabolism of sugars?

A. Thyroid
B. Insulin *
C. Hydrocortisone
D. None

1248. The digestion of fat in intestines is aided by ?

A. Diffusion
B. Protection
C. Peptization
D. Emulsification *

1249. Hair, finger nails, hoofs etc. are all made of ?

A. Fat
B. Vitamins
C. Proteins *
D. Iron

1250. Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes ?

A. Muscular cramps
B. Headache
C. Diarrhea
D. All are correct *