741. Coccobacillus has a shape similar to________________?
A. Diplobacillus
B. Sarcina
C. Egg
D. None of these

742. The first bacterium isolated was_________________?
A. Coccus
B. Bacillus
C. Vibrio
D. Spirochete

743. Which of the following bacteria are thick rigid and spiral______________?
A. Vibrio
B. Spirillum
C. Spirochete
D. Coccus

744. A group of 8 cocci is called______________?
A. Diplococci
B. Octococci
C. Tetrad
D. Sarcina

745. Approximately _____ species of bacteria are known to cause diseases in humans.
A. 100
B. 200
C. 300
D. 400

746. Cyanobacteria reproduce by____________?
A. Binary fission
B. Mitosis
C. Meiosis
D. Conjugation

747. Which of the following help cyanobacteria to locomote?
A. Flagella
B. Gas vesicles
C. Both of these
D. None of these

748. Cyanobacteria have ________ cell wall?
A. Gram +ve.
B. Gram – ve.
C. Acid fast
D. Cellulose rich

749. Who developed the vaccine against anthrax?
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Edward Jennar
C. Leuvenhoek
D. Alexander Fleming

750. Chemical substances used on living tissues that inhibit the growth of micro organism are called___________?
A. Antiseptics
B. Disinfectants
C. Antibiotics
D. Vaccines