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1401. C.P Scott herbert Sidebotham and other british figures favoured plans made by ?

A. Dr.C Weizmann *
B. Sherif Hussai
C. Jacob D. Hass
D. Stephen S. Wise

1402. San Remo conference signed agreements on __________.

A. Arab states
B. Mandates of power *
C. Conquests of Allies
D. League of Nations

1403. France was given the mandate of ________.

A. Syria *
B. Mesopotamia
C. Jordan
D. Lebanon

1404. Mustafa Kamal was appointed inspector General of the Third army in _______.

A. May 1919 *
B. May 1920
C. May 1921
D. May 1922

1405. Kamal held congress to arise the Turkish people for national pride. How many congresses were held by him?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2 *
D. 5

1406. When Hitler did announce rearmament of Germany?

A. January 1935
B. March 1935 *
C. April 1935
D. March 1936

1407. The Striats’ question was settled to Turkey’s satisfaction by the agreement of montreaux on _________.

A. July 20, 1936 *
B. July 18, 1936
C. July 16, 1936
D. July 12, 1936

1408. Kurd Problem remained linked with the policies of big powers including _______.

A. Nato
B. America
C. Russia *
D. France

1409. Britain kept her hold over iraq through a ________.

A. Mandate
B. Treaty of Versailles
C. Invasion
D. Treaty with Iraq *

1410. French troops left syria and Jordan in ________.

A. 1944
B. 1945
C. 1946 *
D. 1947