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1781. After elections 1937, congress was in power in nine out of :

A. Eeleven provinces *
B. Twelve provinces
C. Thirteen provinces
D. None of them

1782. After election in 1937, Muslime league formed government in :

A. Two provinces
B. One province
C. Three provinces
D. Not a single province *

1783. After 1937 elections, indian national congress formed the ministries , it ruled for :

A. 30 Months *
B. 36 Months
C. 28 Months
D. None of them

1784. Hindi as the national language was declared by congress in july :

A. 1937 *
B. 1938
C. 1939
D. 1940

1785. At the point when congress passed ” Quit india” goal ?

A. August 8, 1942 *
B. August 9, 1942
C. August 6, 1942
D. August 5, 1942

1786. What were the objectives of congress’s quit india movement?

A. Declare india immediately as an independent country *
B. To ban indian muslim
C. To quit British rule
D. None of them

1787. The All india muslim league advised the muslims to avoid :

A. Quit india movement *
B. Khilafat movement
C. Shundhi movement
D. None of them

1788. Who termed the “Quit india” movement as tantamount to “forcing their demands at the point of bayonet” and ” Internecine civil war”?

A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah *
B. liaqat Ali khan
C. Ch. Rehmat Ali
D. None of them

1789. The muslim league presented a one point manifesto” if you want pakistan, vote for the muslim league”. in which election msulim league used this slogan ?

A. 1937
B. 1927
C. 1945 *
D. 1922

1790. The congress on the other hand stood for united india in the election of :

A. 1937
B. 1922
C. 1927
D. 1945 *