Statistics is a section of mathematics that manages the collection, interpretation, analysis and presentation of different numerical data. In other words, Statistics is a collection of quantitative data. Academic task offering 2000+ Statistics MCQs for the preparation of different schools, colleges, and universities examinations to get good marks. Solved statistics question and answer cover multiple topics such as basic statistics mcqs, sampling mcqs, probability mcqs, Probability distributions, correlation and regression analysis, sampling distributions Techniques, statistical inference, time-series analysis, data presentation mcqs, statistical software mcqs, index numbers mcqs, design of experiments mcqs, statistical quality control, random variables mcqs, Non-Parametric statistics mcqs – and much more. These statistic multiple choice questions are also helpful for the preparation of various interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and jobs like PPSC Statistics Lecturer’s jobs, Statistical Officers, Data Entry Operator, etc. for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Agriculture here.

261. The table representing two attributes is called________________?

A. Random table
B. Contingency table
C. Dichotomy table
D. Chi-square table

262. To cut a population into three classes is called_______________?

A. Dichotomy
B. Capital
C. Tracheotomy
D. Attribute

263. γxy is always equal to_____________?

A. γyx
B. -γyx
C. γx
D. γo2

264. Richness is not a ________________?

A. Constant
B. Discreade
C. Variable
D. Continuous

265. Attributes are _______ if they have some relation?

A. Disassociation
B. In consistent
C. Associated
D. None of these

266. In perfect association the value of coefficient of association is ______________?

A. (0)
B. +1
C. -1
D. non of these

267. Correlation coefficient is ___________ with respect to x and y?

A. +vely
B. Non-normal
C. Symmetrical
D. Skewed

268. If bxy = -.8 by x = 1.2 then value of r is ________________?

A. √.96
B. √-.96
C. 0
D. None of these

269. If bxy = byx = r then ________________?

A. 6x < 6y
B. 6y < 6x
C. 6x = 6y
D. Non of These

270. In r x c table for test of Independence the degree of freedom is _____________?

A. r + c
B. rc
C. ι r – c ι
D. (r -1) (c -1)