1101. The sum of all classes’ relative frequencies will always be equal to:

A. The sample size
B. One *
C. Any value larger than one
D. The number of classes

1102. For each class, the sum of the percent frequencies will always be equal to:

A. The study’s number of items
B. One
C. The number of classes
D. 100 *

1103. The following is provided by the distinction between the lower class limits of adjacent classes:

A. Number of classes
B. Class midpoint
C. Class limit
D. Class width *

1104. In a cumulative frequency distributing the last class will always have a cumulative frequency equal to :

A. One
B. 100%
C. The total number of data set elements *
D. None of these

1105. The final class will have a cumulative relative frequency that is equal to in a distribution of cumulative relative frequencies:

A. One *
B. zero
C. The total number of data set elements
D. None of these

1106. The last class in a distribution of cumulative percent frequency will have a cumulative percent frequency of:

A. One
B. 100 *
C. The total number of data set elements
D. None of these

1107. The distribution with the widest class width will have the following characteristics if multiple frequency distributions are constructed from the same data set:

A. Fewest classes *
B. Most classes
C. The other distributions all have the same number of classes because they are all made from the same data.
D. None of these

1108. The magnitude of a class is :

A. The result of lower cutoff and furthest breaking point
B. The sum of the upper and lower limits;
C. The difference between the upper and lower limits *
D. None of these

1109. How to construct the class interval :

A. Find the difference between consecutive lower class limits *
B. Divide the class frequencies in half
C. Divide the frequency of the class by the number of observations
. D. Count how many observations are in the class.

1110. If 35 is the upper limit of the class interval of class size 10 , then the lower limit of the class- interval is :

A. 20
B. 25 *
C. 30
D. None of these