1251. ___________ quartile is also known as upper quartile :

A. First
B. Second
C. Third *
D. Fourth

1252. The 75th percentile is referred to as the :

A. First Quartile
B. Second Quartile
C. Third Quartile *
D. Fourth Quartile

1253. The First Quartile :

A. Contains at least as the 25th percentile *
B. Contains at least as the 50th percentile
C. Contains at least as the 75th percentile
D. None of them

1254. Which of the following is the most unstable average ?

A. Mode *
B. Median
C. A.M
D. G.M

1255. When one observation in the data is zero then its harmonic mean is :

A. Positive
B. Zero
C. Negative
D. Undefined *

1256. The 75th Percentile is :

A. Greater than D6 *
B. Equal to D6
C. Less than D6
D. None of these

1257. Skewness is positive when mean is _____________mode :

A. Greater than *
B. Equal to
C. Less than
D. None of these

1258. Given the N values in a series the geometric mean is :

A. The Nth root of the sum of N values
B. The square root of the product of N values
C. The Square root of the sum of N values
D. The Nth root of the product of N values *

1259. Which of the following would indicate that a dataset is not bell shaped :

A. The range is equal to 5 standard deviations
B. The range is larger than the interquartile range
C. The mean is much smaller than the median *
D. There are no outliers

1260. The Pth percentile is a value such that at least p percent of observations are :

A. Less than or equal to this value *
B. More than or equal to this value
C. Less than this value
D. More than this value