861. How many types of frequency distribution?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 0

862. There is a minimum value in class limit and it is said as?
A. lower limit
B. secondary limit
C. primary limit
D. upper limit

863. Total of_____up to an upper-class limit or boundary is known as cumulative frequency?
A. Average frequency
B. Frequency
C. Class limits
D. None of these

864. There is a data which is presented in form of frequency data is known as?
A. secondary data
B. calculated data
C. grouped data
A. ungrouped data

865. There is most of frequent that is occurring observation in data is called?
A. median
B. means
C. standard deviation
D. mode

866. When we constructed on XY – plane then what is the histogram in a graph of adjacent?
A. rectangles
B. triangles
C. squares
D. circles

867. What is the nth positive root of the product of x1, x2, x3,…Xn, for a variable X?
A. harmonic mean
B. Arithmetic mean
C. geometric mean
D. standard mean

868. There is a maximum value in class limit and it is said as?
A. lower limit
B. secondary limit
C. primary limit
D. upper limit

869. There is an arithmetic mean of values 2, 7, 9, 18 and it is equal to?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 7
D. 13

870. There is a frequency polygon and it is many-sided of?
A. triangle
B. rectangle
C. closed figure
D. histogram