1011. Which kind of economics deals with issue such as unemployment ,”Inflation and economic growth?

A. Macroeconomics *
B. Microeconomics
C. Growth economics
D. Political economics

1012. Is economics the same as business?

A. Indeed, in light of the fact that it concentrates on cash and how to get it
B. No, In light of the fact that it concentrates on additional sorts of choices than those made by business *
C. Indeed, In light of the fact that it concentrates on the most proficient method to utilize assets to make items, and that is the very thing that business does.
D. No, In light of the fact that business choices are not connected with choices concentrated by financial aspects

1013. Which of the following might be a scarce good?

A. Love
B. Faith
C. Self-Control
D. All of above *

1014. A Scarce good____.

A. Does not exist
B. Is a good that can only be bought with money; economics does not study decisions in this way.
C. Is a good that can never be purchased with money
D. Is a good that is available in limited quantities,But is desired in greater quantities *

1015. In economics, When we say that people are rational, we mean that they______.

A. Never Make mistakes
B. Try to get what they desire as best they can, given the limitations they face *
C. Logically figure out to do
D. Behave in a random,Unpredictable manne.

1016. What makes economics scientific?

A. It tests theories against observations and modifies the theories if needed . *
B. It uses numbers to measure things
C. It involves the use of experiments
D. It explains how things function.

1017. What does ceteris paribus mean?

A. Scientific Method
B. Rational Thinking
C. Other Things remaining the same *
D. There are no freebies in life.

1018. In land intensive method which mean production is used comparatively more_______.

A. Labour
B. Land *
C. Capital
D. Organization

1019. Profit making is basic motive in _______.

A. Socialism
B. Mixed economy
C. Communism
D. Capitalism *

1020. Market Mechanism is the feature of _________.

A. Mixed Economy
B. Capitalism *
C. Socialism
D. Communism