751. An externality is ?
A. the benefit that accrues to the buyer in a market
B. the cost that accrues to the seller in a market
C. none of these answers
D. the compensation paid to a firm’s external consultants.
E. The uncompensated impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander

752. A positive externality generates ?
A. a social cost curve that is above the supply curve (private cost curve) for a good
B. none of these answers
C. a social value curve that is above the demand curve (private value curve) for good
D. a social value curve that is below the demand curve (private value curve) for a good

753. Imagine there is no tax on income up to Rs 1000 after that there is a tax of 505 what is the average tax rate on an income of Rs 20,000 ?
A. Rs 50000
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. Rs 10000

754. The marginal rate of tax paid is ?
A. The total tax paid / total income
B. Total income / total tax paid
C. Change in the tax paid / change in income
D. Change in income / change in tax paid

755. The public Sector Net Cash Requirement (PSNCR) is ?
A. A measure of the country’s trade position
B. A measure of the country’s budget position
C. A measure of the country’s total debt
D. A measure of the government’s monetary stance

756. As an economy grows ?
A. The government’s budget position should automatically improve
B. The government’s budget position should automatically worsen
C. This will have no effect on the government’s budget position
D. This will reduce the government’s tax revenue

757. Net taxes are ?
A. taxes paid by firms and households to the government minus the cost of collecting the taxes
B. Taxes paid firms and households to the government minus the transfer payments made to firms and household
C. Taxes paid by firms and households to the government plus transfer payments made to firm and households
D. government expenditures minus government revenues

758. Automatic stabilizers act to ______ government expenditures and _______ government revenue during an expansionary period?
A. increase; increase
B. decrease; increase
C. increase; decrease
D. decrease; decrease

759. The budget deficit tends to decrease then ?
A. GDP decrease rapidly
B. GDP remains unchanged
C. GDP decrease slightly
D. GDP increase

760. The implementation lag for monetary policy is generally ?
A. the same as it is for fiscal policy
B. much shorter than it is for fiscal policy
C. mush longer than it is for fiscal policy
D. unrelated to central bank action