411. The allocation of tasks to particular individuals who specialize in performing them is referred to as_______________?
A. division of labor
B. status fulfillment
C. ascribed status
D. status specialization

412. Studying the interaction between government and the economy would occur on a______________?
A. microsocial level
B. macrosocial level
C. secondhand level
D. macroscopic level

413. Social structure refers to_________________?
A. biological cell patterns
B. norms roles and group in a social system
C. patterns of individual behavior
D. what the individual becomes in society

414. A mother preparing lunch for her child is an example of a(n)______________?
A. status
B. role
C. macrolevel behavior
D. unliberated women

415. Statuses are based on______________?
A. division of labor
B. age
C. gender
D. all of the above

416. Achieved status would be especially important in_______________?
A. ancient Egypt
B. 19th century India
C. feudal Europe
D. none of the above

417. A police office follows a speeding car and when the car finally stops she is horrified to discover her husband at the wheel in giving him a ticket she experiences______________?
A. fear of a divorce
B. role conflict
C. no role involvement
D. a master status

418. The smallest group is constituted by the________________?
A. triad
B. quadrad
C. dyad
D. monad

419. A secondary group is characterized by_________________?
A. small size
B. daily contact
C. intimacy
D. formal interaction

420. In one sense of the term everyone is ethnocentric This is because______________?
A. it is virtually impossible not to view people and situations in terms of some of the norms and categories derived from one,s own cultural experiences
B. people are intolerant by nature
C. people are afraid and distrustful of strangers
D. it is impossible to understand another culture or subculture without having been raised in it