881. Who was the author of book ” Law and society in the relations of states”?

A. Prof. John salmond
B. Oppenheim
C. P.E.Corbett *
D. None of these

882. Who is the author of book ” Digest of International law” ?

A. W.Fridemann *
B. J.G. Starke
C. Lissitzyn
D. None of these

883. Who was the author of ” Digest of International law “?

A. Torsten Gihl
B. Hack Worth *
C. Oppenheim
D. J.G. Starke

884. International law means those laws govern the legal relations between :

A. Nations *
B. Citizens
C. Provinces
D. None of these

885. The origin of International law be traced back to the :

A. 14th Century
B. 15th Century *
C. 16th Century
D. None of these

886. Natural law theory is also known as the theory of :

A. Fundamental rights *
B. Consent
C. Vested right
D. None of these

887. Principal theory(ies) regarding basis of International law is :

A. Theory of fundamental rights
B. Natural law theory
C. Consent theory or positivism
D. All of these

888. Public international law and private international law are two branches of :

A. International law
B. Local Law
C. Both A and B
D. None of these *

889. Customs used to be regarded as the primary source of international law :

A. True *
B. False
C. Partly true
D. None of these

890. Who has remarked this ” The future of International law is one with future of International organization “?

A. Dr. Schwarzenberger
B. L. Oppenheim
C. Henry Kinssinger
D. P.E.Corbett *