331. Territorial sea of a coastal state is:
A. open for innocent passage of all type of foreign ships
B. open for innocent passage of all except the fishing ships
C. Reserved for vessels of the coastal states only
C. None of These

332. Cabotage is:
A. Part of the Sea prohibited for war activity by law
B. No fly zone , determined by UN during war
C. Intercourse by sea between two ports of the same state
D. None of These

333. Principle of Jus Soli is:
A. Granting nationality on the basis of place of birth
B. Granting nationality on the basis of parentage
C. invalidation of a treaty due to change in circumstances
D. None of These

334. UN Declaration of Human Rights was passed in:
B. 1948 (December)
C. 1949
D. None of These

335. Re Meunier and Re Castioni cases are test cases for:
A. Extradition of military offenders
B. Extradition of political offenders
C. Determining the enemy Status of aliens during war
D. None of These

336. All international Treaties signed by the Us president are subject to ratification by the Us:
A. Senate with 2/3 majority
B. House of Representatives with 2/3 majority
C. Congress with 2/3 majority
D. None of These

337. Prize courts are:
A. International Courts
B. Municipal courts
C. judicial tribunals under UNO
D. None of These

338. The name of the present secretary general of the UN is:
A. Kofi Annan
B. Boutros ghali
C. Ban ke Mon
D.Non of these

339. The preamble to the universal declaration on human rights was adopted on:
A. 12 jan 1949
B. 10 Dec 1948
C. 6th Aug 1947
D. Non of these

340. The basic frame work for the nature and characteristics of treaties was defined in the:
A. Vienna convention on the law of treaties 1969
B. Geneva convention on the high seas 1958
C. Vienna convention on the law of treaties 1986
D. Non of these