651. Most-favoured-nation treatment means:
A.A treatment extended to a State’s own nationals
B.A favourable treatment extended to a particular State
C.A treatment similar to the one extended to any third State
D.None of these

652. Public International Law is primarily concerned with the rights, duties and interests of:
B.Non-State entities
D.None of these

653. Are the rules of International Law:
A.Legally binding
B.Legally enforceable
C.Enforceable by consent
D.None of these

654. International Law Can:
A.Compel a state to settle a dispute
B.Provide moral support to an issue in dispute
C.Furnish legal substance to an issue in dispute
D.None of these

655. The ICJ is:
A.Principal organ of the UNO
B.Specialized agency of the UNO
C.Independent body with its own Charter
D.None of these

656. The Vienna Congress took place in:
D.None of these

657. The continuity of states as International Legal Persons is:
A.Affected by change of government
B.Not affected by change of government
C.Depends on the recognition of the new government
D.None of these

658. Rights of land-locked states are governed by:
A.Rules of customary International Law
B.Convention on the Law of Sea
C.Mutual consent
D.None of these

659. Under the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Exclusive Economic Zone is:
A.100 nautical miles
B.200 nautical miles
C.300 nautical miles
D.None of these

660. The Harmon Doctrine is:
A.Part of International Law
B.Was renounced before it could take roots in International Law
C.Is attempting to earn general acceptance
D.None of these