251. Which kind of recognition once given cannot be withdrawn by the recognising state:
A. Partial Recognition
B. Total Recognition
C. De facto Recognition
D. De jure Recognition

252. The continental shelf case is considered as the:
A. Natural prolongation of the landmass of the coastal state
B. Area beyond the sovereign limits of the coastal state
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

253. In which case the ICJ held that warships have right to innocent passage through international straights in times of undeclared war as well as in peace time:
A. Corfu Channel case
B. SS Lotus case
C. North Sea Continental shelf case
D. None of the above

254. In which one of the following cases did the ICJ refrain from giving its final judgement
A. Right to passage case
B. Nuclear tests case
C. Corfu Channel case
D. North Sea Continental shelf case

255.What is international law?
A. A binding regulations on states
B. A combination of tradition, custom, and international agreements that sometimes limit the behaviour of states
C. Any law passed by a country that deals with international relations
D. A law of physics that applies in all places

256.Who coined the term International Law?
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Pufendorf
C. Hugo Grotius
D. Oppenheim

257.Who is considered the father of International Law?
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Pufendorf
C. Hugo Grotius
D. Oppenheim

258. International Law is not true Law but positive international morality only”. Who said it?
A. Pufendorf
B. Austin
C. Bentham
D. Pollock

259. Who said international law is a collection of rules governing relations between states
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Pufendorf
C. Hugo Grotius
D. Oppenheim

260. Hugo Grotius understood international law as:
A. An instrumental foreign policy outlook in which political virtue was equated with astuteness in the development and employment of state power.
B. Potentially restricting war and expanding peace by clarifying standards of conduct which were insulated against all religious doctrines and could therefore govern the relations of all independent states, Protestant and Catholic alike.
C. A doctrine and an arrangement whereby the power of one state (or group of states) is checked by the countervailing power of other states.
D. None of the above.