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  • Post category:Computer

631. In the following loop construct, which one is executed only once always.    for(exp1; exp2; exp3)
A. exp1
B. exp3
C. exp1 and exp3
D. exp1, exp2 and exp3

632. The continue statment cannot be used with
A. for
B. while
C. do while
D. switch

633. Which keyword can be used for coming out of recursion?
A. return
B. break
C. exit
D. both A and B

634. goto can be used to jump from main to within a function?
C. May Be
D. Can’t Say

635. Which of the following is an invalid if-else statement?
A. if (if (a == 1)){}
B. if (a){}
C. if ((char) a){}
D. if (func1 (a)){}

636. Switch statement accepts.
A. int
B. char
C. long
D. All of the above

637. Which loop is guaranteed to execute at least one time.
A. for
B. while
C. do while
D. None of the above

638. A labeled statement consist of an identifier followed by
A. ;
B. :
C. ,
D. =

639. do-while loop terminates when conditional expression returns?
A. One
B. Zero
C. Non – zero
D. None of the above

640. c = (n) ? a : b; can be rewritten asexp1 ? exp2 : exp3;
A. if(n){c = a;}else{c = b;}
B. if(!n){c = a;}else{c = b;}
C. if(n){c = b;}else{c = a;}
D. None of the above