1091. For an accurate impression the thickness of rubber base impression material should be :

A. At least 3 mm
B. More than 4 mm
C. About 2 mm *
D. Maximum in the area of operation

1092. To minimize distortion the die should be poured :

A. Within 24 hours
B. Within 2 hours
C. Within 30 Minutes *
D. After 1 Hour

1093. Inlay waxes used for the direct waxing procedure possess :

A. Minimum flow below 37 Degree *
B. Greater flow below 37 Degree
C. Minimum flow above 37 Degree
D. Greater flow above 37 Degree

1094. An ideal location to attach a sprue pin in a posterior restoration is :

A. Central fossa
B. Cusp tips
C. Marginal Ridge *
D. Contact point

1095. The most commonly used type of gold is :

A. Type I
B. Type II *
C. Type III
D. Type I and IV

1096. The alloys have a melting range of :

A. 1700- 1900 Degree F *
B. 1500- 1600 Degree F
C. 2300- 2380 Degree F
D. 4000 -5000 Degree F

1097. Removal of surface oxides from the casting is accomplished by :

A. Tempering
B. Pickling *
C. Annealing
D. Degassing

1098. In groove and post design of an anterior inlay the groove is placed on :

A. Incisal edge
B. Gingival wall
C. Axial wall *
D. Gingivo -axial line angle

1099. The incisal step for class IV inlay is indicated :

A. To arrest attritional wear *
B. When less than 1/4 of incisal lenght is involved
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

1100. After Amalgam is polished the metal surface is fllatened This layer is called :

A. Deilby’s layer
B. Beelby’s layer *
C. Teelby’s layer
D. Whitby’s layer