1081. Discolouration of the tooth under amalgam restoration can be prevented by:

A. Using zinc phosphate cement base
B. Using cavity varnish *
C. Using correct alloy mercury ratio
D. Washing the prepared cavity with NAOCL3

1082. Refining of proximal margins of a cavity can be done by :

A. Enamel hatchets
B. Biangle chisels
C. Both A and B *
D. aNGLE former

1083. The first procedure in fitting a gold inlay casting to a tooth is :

A. Adjust occlusion
B. Adjust the contact area *
C. Adapt accessible margins
D. Seat the casting with mallet

1084. Dental wax patterns should be invested as soon as possible in order to minimize change in dimensions caused by :

A. Reduced flow
B. Continued expansion of wax
C. Relaxation of internal stress *
D. Water absorption

1085. Marginal leakage associated with temperature change can occur maximum with :

A. Amalgam alloy
B. Composite resin
C. Unfilled resin *
D. Direct filling gold

1086. For gold inlay gingival margin should be :

A. Shoulder preparations
B. Chamfer
C. Bevel *
D. None of the above

1087. The gingival bevel should be :

A. 45 Degree
B. 30 Degree *
C. 15 Degree
D. 10 Degree

1088. The occlusal cavosurface bevel is approximately :

A. 45 Degree *
B. 30 Degree
C. 15 Degree
D. 10 Degree

1089. The cavity wall should have a taper of :

A. 30-45 Degree
B. 05-10 Degree
C. 02-05 Degree *
D. None of the above

1090. During cusp reduction the contrabevel is :

A. Half the thickness of inside level
B. 1/3rd that of inside bevel *
C. Same as the inside bevel
D. A and C