1111. The urninary bladder is lined with :

A. Stratified squamous epithelium
B. Transitional epithelium *
C. Pseudostratified squamous epithelium
D. Simple squamous epithelium

1112. Circumvallate papillae of tongue :

A. Are the most abundant papillae
B. Are not present along the sulcus terminalis
C. Its trench has numerous serous glands *
D. Its trench has numberous mucous glands
E. The epithelium is not stratified squamous in type

1113. The Juxtaglomerular apparatus :

A. Lies in the medulla of kidney
B. Is part of the medullary ray
C. Is formed by association of afferent arterial with distal convoluted tubule *
D. Is associated with loop of henle
E. Is formed by the proximal convoluted tubule and affarent arteriole

1114. The mucosa of the stomach is characterized by the presence of :

A. Villi
B. Rugae *
C. Brunner’s glands
D. Cyrpts of liberkuhn
E. Plica Circulares

1115. Which nerve is found in posterior triangle of neck :

A. Recurrent layrngeal nerve
B. Lesser occipital nerve *
C. Spinal accessory nerve
D. Facial nerve

1116. All of the following air sinuses open into the middle meatus of the lateral wall of nose except :

A. Frontal
B. Maxillary
C. Sphenoidal *
D. Middle ethmoidal
E. Anterior ethmoidal

1117. Anterior belly of digastrics muscle is supplied by :

A. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve *
B. Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Accessory nerve
E. Lingual nerve

1118. Tip of tongue is drained by the lymph nodes present in the :

A. Carotid triangle
B. Muscular triangle
C. Digastric triangle
D. Posterior triangle
E. Submental triangle *

1119.The incudostapedial joint is a type of :

A. THe fibrous joint
B. Saddle joint
C. Plan joint
D. Ellipsoid joint
E. Ball and socket joint *

1120. Which of the following muscles is responsible for protruding the tongue ?

A. The styloglossus
B. The Hyoglossus *
C. The genioglossus
D. The palatoglossus
E. The mylohyoid