Histology is the science and study of tissues. Histo means a tissue, while Logy means science. By studying oral histology and embryology, you will gain a strong foundation in oral biology. The topic you study will focus on the development and structure of cells and tissues, the stages of tooth development and maturation. Different parts of a tissue, like cells, intercellular substance, tissue fluids, and the different parts of a human tooth, like enamel, dentin, dental pulp. Academic Task provides Oral Histology MCQs with answers. All these teeth histology MCQs are chosen from trusted and best reference books on oral histology. These histology MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Oral Pathology here.

51. Alveolar bone proper is also known as: or Which of the following is seen as lamina dura in an IOPA radiograph ?

A. Lamina lucida
B. Lamina densa
C. Lamina propria
D. Lamina dura

52. Basic metabolic unit of bone is_______________?

A. Osteon
B. Osteoblast
C. Osteocyte
D. Osteoclast

53. Second arch derivatives are all except_________________?

A. Stapes
B. Malleus and incus
C. Styloid process
D. Superior part of hyoid bone

54. The type of bone present in the labial area of anterior teeth is_________________?

A. Cortical
B. Cancellous
C. Osteophytic
D. Exophytic

55. The tooth present close to maxillary sinus is_________________?

A. 1st molar
B. 2nd premolar
C. 1st premolar
D. 2nd molar

56. When osteoblast lay new bone from outside to inside in a osteon, the active formation area is called________________?

A. Haversion cone
B. Filling cone
C. Cutting cone
D. Howships cone

57. The intimal B cells of synovical memrbane of temporomandibular joint are_______________?

A. Fibroblast like
B. Macrophage like
C. Lmphocyte like
D. Plasma cell like

58. Maxillary sinus is described as a four sided pyramid containing base, apex, roof and floor. The apex of maxillary sinus extends________________?

A. Laterally into zygomatics process of maxilla
B. Medially into zygomatic process of maxilla
C. Laterally into lateral nasal wall
D. Superiorly into floor of orbit

59. The process of recesses formation in maxillary sinus is most frequently seen with________________?

A. Zygomatic process
B. Frontal process
C. Alveolar process
D. Palatine process

60. Haversion systems (osteons) are found primarily in the_________________?

A. Spongy bone
B. Periosteum
C. Alveolar bone proper
D. Endosteum