1071. Von Ebner’s glands are :

A. Endocrine glands
B. Serous gland *
C. Mixed glands
D. Mucous gland
E. Apocrine glands

1072. Olfactory mucosa is lined by :

A. Stratified squamous epithelium
B. Pseudostratified columnar with goblet cells
C. Simple columnar ciliated
D. Pseudostratified columnar with no goblet cells *
E. Olfactory

1073. What is the space between the renal pyramid called ?

A. Medulla
B. Lobe
C. Renal columns 
D. Nephron
E. Medullary ray

1074. Respiratory membrane within interalveolar septum :

A. Has endothelium on one side
B. Has alveolar epithelium on the other side
C. Has fused basal lamina of epithelium and endothelium
D. The alveolar epithelium is lined by surfactant
E. The above are all obvious *

1075. The bile canaliculus :

A. Is lined by simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium
B. Drains from the periphery to the centre ofa lobule
C. Begins in the centre of hepatic lobule *
D. Has a structure similar to that of a blood capillary
E. Is a single straight duct that enters and interlobular bile duct

1076. Which of the following matches with the microscopic structure of large intestine :

A. Rugae and pits
B. Stratified Squamous epithelium and submucosal glands
C. Goblet and lieberkuhn cell crypts *
D. Crypts of lieberkuhn and paneth cells
E. Plica circulares and villi

1077. A distinguish feature of jejunum is :

A. It contains brunner’s glands
B. It contain pyres’ patches
C. It contains plica circularis *
D. It contains tenea coli
E. It hs no goblet cells

1078. The fibro muscular stroma is found in following :

A. Epididmymis
B. Testis
C. Seminal vesicle
D. Prostate *
E. Ductus deference

1079. Which of the following cells are located mainly in the centre of pancreatic islets:

A. A cells
B. B cells *
C. D cells
D. F cells
E. All of the above

1080. Serous demilunes occur in the :

A. Exocrine pancrease
B. Parotid salivary gland
C. Fundic glands of stomach
D. Brunner’s glands of the duodenum
E. Sublingual salivary glajid *