Histology is the science and study of tissues. Histo means a tissue, while Logy means science. By studying oral histology and embryology, you will gain a strong foundation in oral biology. The topic you study will focus on the development and structure of cells and tissues, the stages of tooth development and maturation. Different parts of a tissue, like cells, intercellular substance, tissue fluids, and the different parts of a human tooth, like enamel, dentin, dental pulp. Academic Task provides Oral Histology MCQs with answers. All these teeth histology MCQs are chosen from trusted and best reference books on oral histology. These histology MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Oral Pathology here.

191. Tome’s firbres are____________?

A. With out but not with in the dentin
B. Odontoblastic processes in dental tubules
C. Type of sharpey’s fibres
D. Originate from tome’s granular layer

192. Korffs fibres are seen in______________?

A. Mantle dentin
B. Secondary dentin
C. Reactionary dentin
D. Indeed dermal tubules

193. The type of tertiary dentin which contains cellular inclusions is found in_____________?

A. Sclerotic dentin
B. Mantle dentin
C. Predentin
D. Osteodentin

194. The organic lining of the calcified dentinal tubules is known as_______________?

A. Lamina propria
B. Lamina lucida
C. Lamina limitans
D. Lamina densa

195. The cells that form secondary dentin are_______________?

A. Cementoblasts
B. Fibroblasts
C. Odontoblasts
D. Osteoblasts

196. Organic portion can be separated from the mineral by_____________?

A. Incineration/organic chelation
B. Decalcification
C. Devitrification
D. Combustion

197. Shape of crown and the size of the roots is determined by______________?

A. Pulp
B. Dentin
C. Enamel
D. Cementum

198. Sclerotic dentin has following features_____________?

A. Caries susceptible
B. Insensitive
C. Hypersensitive
D. Resistant to caries

199. Inter globular dentin results due to_____________?

A. Failure of coalescence of calcospherities
B. Fracture of the dentin
C. Artifact in light microscopy
D. Disturbance in dentinal tubules

200. The main bulk of dentin is formed by______________?

A. Peritubular dentin
B. Mantle dentin
C. Inter tubular dentin
D. Predentin