1001. In a cross section of spinal cord :

A. The gray matter appears quadrangular in outline
B. THe a-motor neurons are located in the dorsal horn
C. The lateral horn is seen in thoracic segments *
D. The sensory neurons are located in the ventral horn

1002. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

A. Uterine tube _________ pseudostratified columnr epithelium
B. Vagina_______ stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium *
C. Ductus deference ______ simple columnr epithelium
D. Prostatic urethra_ stratified squamous epithelium

1003. The most abundant type of papilia on the tongue is :

A. Filiform papiliae *
B. Circumvallate papillae
C. Fungiform papillae
D. Follate papillae

1004. The typical arrangement in the most organs of an ” inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle is reversed in :

A. Stomach
B. Jejunum
C. Ureter *

1005. The epithellum linging the esophagus is :

A. Simple columnar
B. Simple columnar Caliated
C. Stratified squamous keratinized
D. Stratified squamous non keratinized *

1006. The bile canaliculus :

A. Is formed by specialized fibroblast
B. Is formed by specialized endothelial cells
C. Develops as an outgrowth of the cystic duct
D. Is formed by grooves in two opposing hepatocytes *

1007. Regarding elastic arteries all are true except :

A. These are conducting arteries
B. These are characterized by the presence of a large amount of elastic fibers in their wall
C. Aventitia of elastic artery is very thin
D. A separate internal elastic lamina is easily identified *

1008. The proximal convoluted tubules can be distinguish from other tubules of kidney by :

A. An apical brush borders on its cells *
B. Basophilic cytoplasm
C. Clear demarcated boundries of the cells
D. Presence of masangial cells

1009. Which of the following is lined by stratified squamous epithelium ?

A. Uterine tube
B. Vagina *
C. Ductus deference
D. Duodenum

1010. Th juxtaglomerular apparatus :

A. Lies in the medulla of kidney
B. Is part of the medullary ray
C. Is formed by association of afferent arteriole with distan convoluted tubule *
D. Is associated with loop of henle