Histology is the science and study of tissues. Histo means a tissue, while Logy means science. By studying oral histology and embryology, you will gain a strong foundation in oral biology. The topic you study will focus on the development and structure of cells and tissues, the stages of tooth development and maturation. Different parts of a tissue, like cells, intercellular substance, tissue fluids, and the different parts of a human tooth, like enamel, dentin, dental pulp. Academic Task provides Oral Histology MCQs with answers. All these teeth histology MCQs are chosen from trusted and best reference books on oral histology. These histology MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Oral Pathology here.

111. Interdependency of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in bone remodeling is called as_____________?

A. Lacunae
B. Coupling
C. Reversal lines
D. Canaliculi

112. Periodontal fibres joining cemental surface of one tooth, to cemental surface of adjacent tooth are called____________?

A. Gingivodental
B. Cemental fibres
C. Horizontal fibres
D. Transseptal fibres

113. Sharpey’s fibres are derived from_____________?

A. Hertwig’s root sheath
B. Epithelial rests of malassez
C. Alveolar bone
D. Dental follicle

114. Periodontal ligament has predominantly_________?

A. Type II collagen fibres
B. Oxytalan fibres
C. Elastic fibres
D. Type I collagen fibres

115. Which of the following groups of fibres are not attached to alveolar bone ?

A. Transseptal
B. Horizontal
C. Oblique
D. Apical

116. The most abundant principle fibre group in periodontal ligament is____________?

A. Horizontal
B. Transeptal
C. Apical
D. Oblique

117. In mammals independent and tough suspension for teeth is provided by____________?

A. Alveolar sockets
B. Cementum
C. Gubernacular cords
D. Periodontal membrane

118. Group of fibres, which resist the masticatory forces___________?

A. Dentogingival
B. Transeptal
C. Oblique
D. Horizontal

119. Cementicles are found in the_____________?

A. Gingiva
B. Periodontal ligament
C. Alveolar bone
D. Cementum

120. Periodontal ligament is made up of____________?

A. Type I collagen
B. Type I and Type III collagen
C. Type I and Type II collagen
D. Type I and Type IV collagen