621. An engineering student has to secure 36% marks to pass. He gets 130 marks and fails by 14 marks. The maximum No. of marks obtained by him is_________?
A. 300
B. 400
C. 350
D. 500

622. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and its denominator is diminished by 25% value of the fraction is 2/15. Find the original fraction.
A. 1/12
B. 1/8
C. 1/6
D. 1/4

X * (120/100)
—————- = 2/15
Y * (75/100)
X/Y = 1/12

623. Subtracting 10% from X is the same as multiplying X by what number?
A. 80%
B. 90%
C. 10%
D. 50%

X – (10/100) X = X * ?
? = 90%

624. If the price of gold increases by 50%, find by how much the quantity of ornaments must be reduced, so that the expenditure may remain the same as before?
A. 27 2/23 %
B. 33 1/3 %
C. 30%
D. 19%

625. A candidate got 35% of the votes polled and he lost to his rival by 2250 votes. How many votes were cast?
A. 7500
B. 5000
C. 6000
D. 3500

100%———? => 7500

626. The tax on a commodity is diminished by 20% and its consumption increased by 15%. The effect on revenue is_________?
A. It increases by 8%
B. It decreases by 8%
C. No change in revenue
D. It increases by 10%
E. None

100 * 100 = 10000
80 * 115 = 9200
100———–? => 8% decrease

627. The salary of a typist was at first raised by 10% and then the same was reduced by 5%. If he presently draws Rs.1045.What was his original salary?
A. 900
B. 950
C. 1000
D. 975

X * (110/100) * (95/100) = 1045
X * (11/10) * (1/100) = 11
X = 1000

628. A sells his goods 50% cheaper than B but 50% dearer than C. The cheapest is_________?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. All Alike

Let B = 100
A = 50
C * (150/100) = 50
3C = 100
C = 33.3 then ‘C’ Cheapest

629. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 25% more than a third number. The percentage that is first of the second is_________?
A. 80%
B. 85%
C. 96%
D. 125%

120 125 100
100———–? => 96%

630. In an examination 38% of students fail in English and 61% pass in Urdu and 23% fail in both. Find the actual failure percentage?
A. 46%
B. 61%
C. 54%
D. 70%