1211. Which of the following is easy to calculate and simple to comprehend :

A. Arithmetic mean *
B. Geometric mean
C. Harmonic meand
D. All of these

1212. Which of the following is a measure of dispersion:

A. Percentile
B. Quartile
C. Standard deviation
D. All of these *

1213. The mean of the squares of deviation of all the observations from their means is called :

A. Variance *
B. Standard deviation
C. Skewness
D. Mean deviation

1214. The smaller value of the standard deviation indicates that most of the observations in the data set are close to the :

A. Mean *
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Variance

1215. Which of the following is a balancing point of data set :

A. Arithmetic mean *
B. Standard deviation
C. Mode
D. Variance

1216. Which of the following is independent of origin :

A. Variance *
B. Median
C. Mean
D. Mode

1217. Which of the following cannot be negative :

A. Variance
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Standard deviation *

1218. The power to which deviations are raised before averaging them is called :

A. Standard deviation
B. Moment *
C. Skewness
D. Mode

1219. Any departure from symmetry of the distribution is called :

A. Skewness *
B. Peakness
C. Flatness
D. None

1220. If the left tail of the distribution is longer than its right tail.then distribution is :

A. Positively skewed
B. Negatively skewed *
C. No skewness
D. Centrally skewed