1291. Let V be a vector space over field F Then V is abelian w.r to:

A. Addition *
B. Multiplication
C. Scalar Multiplication
D. All of the above

1292. Let V be a vector space over Field F the V is also :

A. Abelian group w.r.t multiplication
B. Ring
C. Field
D. Monoid w.r.t addition *

1293. Which of the following is not a vector space over R :

A. Z
B. Q
C. N
D. All of the above *

1294. A metric on a non-empty set is a :

A. Function *
B. Sequence
C. Permutation
D. Binary operation

1295. A metric is also known as :

A. Lenght
B. Determinant
C. Distance
D. Molecules *

1296. Which of the following can be discrete metric space with discrete metric :

A. Q
B. R
C. Z
D. All of the above *

1297. On Real line with usual metric which of the following is a closed ball with center at 0 and radius 2:

A. [-2,2]
B. [0,2]
C. [-2,2] *
D. [0,2]

1298. In R which of the following is open ball center at 8 and radius 3:

A. [0,8]
B. [2,10]
C. [5,13]
D. [5,11] *

1299. Which of the following set is the set of limit points of Q:

A. Q
B. Q’
C. R *
D. Z

1300. The set of limit point of R is :

A. Q
B. Q’
C. R *
D. C