1111. Which of the following coal variety has the highest calorific value :

A. Anthractie
B. Bituminous *
C. Lignite
D. Peat

1112. The fuel mostly used in boilers is :

A. Anthracite
B. Peat
C. Lignite
D. Bituminous *

1113. Steam coal is :

A. Pulverised coal
B. Hard coke
C. Non-coking bituminous *
D. Anthracite coal

1114. Calorific value of steam coal lies in the range :

A. 1000-2500 Kcal/kg
B. 3000-4500 Kcal/kg
C. 5000-8000 Kcal/kg *
D. 9000-12500 Kcal/kg

1115. The percentage of carbon in bituminous coal is of the order of :

A. 20-40 %
B. 30-50 %
C. 50-65 %
D. 65-80 % *

1116. Pulverisation of coal is done :

A. To get high burning rate *
B. To keep the burning losses to minimum
C. For coals with high ash content
D. For coals which have high heating value

1117. Which is not the desirable property of a good fuel?

A. Economical in cost
B. Minimum sulphur content
C. High ignition point *
D. High heating value

1119. Which is not desirable property of a good fuel?

A. Economical in cost
B. Minimum sulphur content
C. High ignition point *
D. Facilitates ash removal

1120. The presence of _________ in boiler exhaust indicates incomplete combustion :

A. Oxygen
B. Water Vapours
C. CO *
D. CO2