1111. _________ is not a key factor affecting your cash inflows :

A. Your stage in your career path
B. Your job skills
C. Your personal consumption behavior *
D. All of the above are key factors

1112. Job opportunities for which there is a ________ demand probably pay ___________ salaries :

A. Low; Low *
B. Low; High
C. High; Low
D. None of these

1113. Which of the following is not true regarding budgets ?

A. A cash flow statement that is based on forecasted cash flows for a future time period is referred to as a budget
B. Firms use budgets to anticipate any deficiencies in funds
C. Individuals can use budgets to anticipate any deficiencies in funds
D. All of the above are true regad. *

1114. Many individuals tend to ________ their cash inflows and ________ their cash outflows :

A. Underestimate ; overestimate
B. Overestimate ; accurately estimate
C. Accurately estimate ; underestimate *
D. Overestimate ; Underestimate

1115. A _________ difference between actual cash flows and forecasted cash flows means that the actual cash flow level _________ the forecaster :

A. Positive ; was less than
B. Negative ; exceeded
C. Positive ; exceeded *
D. None of the above

1116. Peter Hennings forecasted his expected cash flows for this month using his cash flows from the last month . Last month net cash flows were 100 $, and peter’s total cash outflows this month were 50$ less than expected . Everything else being equal, what is peter’s net cash flow this month ?

A. 50 $
B. -150 $
C. -50 $ *
D. -100 $

1117. If you do not budget for unexpected expenses in a given month, you will likely experience ______ net cash flows than expected over time :

A. The same
B. Higher
C. Lower *
D. None of these

1118. Jenny santan is developing an annual budget based only on her monthly cash flows. In a typical month, jenny experiences cash inflows of 2,200 $ and cash outflows of 1,500 $ Based on this information, Jenny’s net cash flow in the annual budget is :

A. 8,400 $
B. 9,100 $
C. 7,700 $
D. 700 $

1119. __________ assets include items normally owned by a household, such as a home,a car, and furniture :

A. Investment
B. Household *
C. Liquid
D. None of these

1120. ___________ is ( are) certificates issued by borrowers ( typically, firms and government agencies ) to obtain long-term funds :

A. Bonds *
B. Stocks
C. Commercial paper
D. None of the above