1061. The ______ specifies the financial decisions that result from your personal financial planning:

A. Personal financial plan *
B. Personal budget
C. Personal finance objective
D. None of the above

1062. Which of the following is the least likely way that you may benefit from having an understanding of personal finance?

A. Assessing the advice of financial advisors
B. Becoming the president of a large national bank *
C. Making your own financial decisions
D. Becoming a financial advisor

1063. A(N)__________ addresses what you surrender because of settling on an elective choice :

A. Purchase price
B. Financing cost
C. Opportunity cost *
D. Liquidity cost

1064. A _________ is not a key component of a complete financial plan:

A. Plan for working a significant financier firm *
B. Plan to manage your liquidity
C. Budget plan
D. Prepare for financing (managing loans and credit)

1065. Your _______ is the difference between what you own and what you owe:

A. Net assets
B. Budget
C. Net liabilities
D. Net Worth *

1066. __________ is admittance to assets to cover any momentary money inadequacies:

A. Liquidity *
B. Credit management
C. Money management
D. Cash management

1067. Having a ___________ level of future wealth ( from more savings) requires you to sacrifice by having a __________ level of spending today :

A. Lower; Lower
B. Higher; Lower *
C. Higher; Higher
D. None of these

1068. Which of the following is not a decision related to credit management?

A. Financing your house with a mortgage
B. Paying your utility bills with credit cards
C. Getting a loan from the bank to buy a boat
D. Investing money in a bank deposit *

1069. The management of your loans would include :

A. Choosing a loan with a low interest rate that is competitive
B. Figuring out how much money you can borrow
C. Determining the maturity (length of time 0 of the loan\
D. All of the above *

1070. _________ planning involves determining how much you should aside each year for retirement and how you should invest those funds in the short term :

A. Tax
B. Retirement *
C. Estate
D. None of these