1101. An appropriate financial plan will probably not be influenced by one’s :

A. Age
B. Wealth
C. Caeer decisio
D. All of the aforementioned factors probably have an impact on a good financial plan *

1102. While choosing the monetary arrangement that will best empower you to accomplish your objectives you:

A. May select a different financial strategy than someone in the same financial situation *
B. Should select the same financial strategy as another individual who is in the same financial situation and has the same financial objectives
C. Do not need to look into the other options for solving the problem.
D. None of the above

1103. Regarding the revision of your financial plan, which of the following is true?

A. Even if your financial situation has not changed, you still need to update the plan.
B. You do not need to change your financial plans to reflect changes in your goals or financial situation.
C. If you are unable to maintain the plan for achieving a particular level of wealth, you may need to reduce your financial goals. *
D. You need to revise the plan to makes it more realistic even if you are able and willing to follow the plan that you developed

1104. Which of the following questions probably wouldn’t be asked about your financial situation?

A. What is your net worth?
B. What are your financial objectives for the intermediate term? *
C. How much do your investments cost?
D. How much money have you saved up?

1105. The internet facilitates financial planning by providing :

A. Quotes that can be used to make decisions about money
B. Information on all parts of the financial plan such as budgeting , managing liquidity, financing, investing, insurance, and retirement planning
C. Update information regarding the most recent performance of various investment types.
D. All of the above *

1106. If you give something up as a result of making decision , you are incurring a(n):

A. Opportunity cost *
B. Net cost
C. Liquidity problem
D. None of these

1107. Financial advisers :

A. Often provide analysis of investments that are very conservative
B. May advise you to make investments with the intention of earning high commissions *
C. Are constantly propelled to act to your greatest advantage
D. Aren’t helpful for people who don’t know much about financial planning

1108. Using a personal cash flow statement, which measures a person’s ___ and __________, is helpful when creating a budget:

A. Assets: liabilities
B. Cash inflows: Cashflow outflows *
C. Assets : Expenses
D. None of the above

1109. Bill peter’s net cash flow is ( Question based on above question )

A. 3,100 $
B. 720 $ *
C. 1,670 $
D. 2,100 $

1110. Now assume the bill peter relies on the above information to forecast hias cash flows in future months. further assume that he anticipates paying an additional 1,000 $ next month for major repairs on his car . Based on this information . Bill’s expected net cash flow next month is :

A. 1,100 $
b. 670 $
C. -280 $ *
D. 2,100 $