991. To control inflation the government should increase:
A. Budget deficit
B. Consumer spending
C. Income tax
D. Pensions

992. In past decades Pakistan increased its GDP, yet living standard of majority has not risen. The most important cause of this situation is:
A. Increased govt. expenditure
B. Increased imports
C. Increased education
D. Increased population

993. Which of the following should NOT be the aim of a government:
A. Economic growth
B. Full employment
C. Inequality of incomes
D. Price stability

994. Which of the following would cause incomes to become more unequal:
A. Increased employment
B. Increased unemployment allowance
C. More progressive taxes
D. More regressive taxes

995. What is the benefit of tariffs:
A. Increased choice
B. Increased government revenue
C. More competition
D. More trade

996. Pakistan’s public debt is:
A. Larger than GNP
B. Approximately equal to GNP
C. Smaller than GNP
D. Smaller than our exports

997. Zakat is not due on the gold owned by a person who has less than:
A. 60 tolas
B. 30 tolas
C. 15 tolas
D. 7.5 tolas

998. Zakat can be spent for this purpose:
A. Payment of fee of a poor child
B. Performing Hajj
C. Help poor parents
D. All of the above

999. It is a source of revenue for the Local overnment bodies:
A. Corporation tax
B. Value added tax
C. Excise tax
D. Property tax

1000. Federal government transfers to provinces as their share in tax collection:
A. Less than 40%
B. More than 40% but less than 60%
C. More than 60%
D. More than 90%