761. When an active metal like Al comes in contact with less active element like Cu then it produces__________________?
A. dry cell
B. galvanic cell
C. electrolytic cell
D. A and B

762. Which of the following is typical transition metal ?
A. Sc
B. Y
C. Cd
D. Co

763. K2 (Cu(CN)4) which one is correct___________________?
A. Potassium tetra cyano cupperate
B. Co-ordination number is 2
C. Ligand is positively charged
D. Central atom is present in avionic sphere

764. The location of transition elements is in between__________________?
A. lanthanides & actinides
B. s and p block elements
C. chalcogens and halogens
D. d and f block elements

765. Compounds attracted by applied strong magnetic field are called__________________?
A. diamagnetic
B. paramagnetic
C. good conductor
D. ferromagnetic

766. When light is exposed to transition element then electrons jump from lower orbitals to higher orbitals in______________________?
A. orbitals of f-subshell
B. orbitals of d-subshell
C. orbitals of p-subshell
D. both A & B

767. When a compound of transition element is dissolved in a solution of salt then it produces____________________?
A. simples ions
B. complex ions
C. double salts
D. strong anions

768. The species which donate two electron pairs in a coordination compound is called__________________?
A. ligand
B. mono-dentate ligand
C. poly-dentate ligand
D. bi-dentate ligand

769. The central atom along with ligands is called____________________?
A. complex ion
B. coordination sphere
C. ligand
D. complex compound

770. In complex compounds the oxidation number is written in___________________?
A. English
B. Greek
C. Roman numeral
D. Hebrew