991. The element cesium bears resemblance with________________?
A. Ca
B. Cr
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

992. Downs cell is used to prepare_________________?
A. Sodium carbonate
B. Sodium bicarbonate
C. Sodium metal
D. Sodium hydroxide

993. Ammonia may be prepared by heating ammonium chloride with_______________?
A. Water
B. NaCl
C. Aqueous sodium hydroxide
D. H2SO4

994. Crystals of Na2CO3. 10H2O when exposed to air_________________?
A. Lose water and remain solid
B. Gain water and remain solid
C. Gain water and become liquid
D. Remains unchanged

995. Which one of the following gives white precipitate with aqueous solution of BaCl2?
B. NaNO3
C. Na2CO3
D. Na2CrO4

996. The deliquescence is a property in which a solid____________________?
A. Absorbs moisture and remains solid
B. Absorbs moisture and turns to liquid form
C. Loses water of crystallization
D. Increases the number of water of crystallization

997. In diaphragm cell level of brine in anode compartment is kept slightly higher which prevents_______________?
A. Hydroxide ions to reach anode
B. Chlorine gas to mix
C. Cathode to decay
D. All of the above

998. Alkali and alkaline earth metals impart colours when heated over burner. It is due to______________?
A. Smaller electronegativity of alkali metals
B. Smaller ionic radius of these metals
C. De-excitation of electrons from higher energy levels to low energy level
D. Excitation of electrons from low energy levels to higher energy levels

999. First ionization potential of alkaline earth metal is greater than alkali metals because___________________?
A. They are more reactive
B. They have greater atomic radii
C. They have smaller atomic sizes
D. All

1000. NaOH is named as caustic soda because________________?
A. It corrodes the organic tissues
B. It is used in soda water
C. It reacts with chlorine gas
D. It reacts with fats to form soap