1451. The pure crystalline substance on being heated gradually first forms a turbid liquid at constant temperature and still at higher temperature turbidity completely disappears . The behaviour is a characteristic of substance forming :

A. Allotropic Crystal
B. Liquid Crystal *
C. Isomeric Crystal
D. Isomorphous crystals

1452. Which of the following is an example of body centred cube?

A. Magnesium
B. Zinc
C. Copper
D. Sodium *

1453. Ionic solids with defects, contain :

A. Equal number of cation an anion vacancies *
B. Interstitial anions and anion vacancies
C. Cation vacancies only
D. Cation vacancies and interstitial cations

1454. Crystal can be classified into ________basic crystal habits :

A. 7 *
B. 4
C. 14
D. 3

1455. In crystal structure of sodium chloride , the arrangement of CI- ions is :

A. Fcc *
B. Both Fcc and Bcc
C. Bcc
D. None of them

1456. How many kinds of space lattices are possible in a crystal ?

A. 23
B. 7
C. 230
D. 14 *

1457. Potassium crystallizes with :

A. Orthogonal lattice
B. Cubic Lattice *
C. Triclinic
D. Ortho rhmobic lattice

1458. The ratio of close packed atoms to tetrahedral holes in cubic close packing is :

A. 1:1
B. 1:2 *
C. 1:3
D. 2:1

1459. The number of Nacl molecules in unit cell of its crystal is :

A. 2
B. 4 *
C. 6
D. 8

1460. How many Cl-Ions are there around Na+ion in Nacl Crystal ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6 *
D. 8