541. By combining n atmic orbitals no. of hybrid orbitals will be__________________?
A. 2n
B. n
C. 3n
D. impossible to predict

542. Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybrid orbital is ___________________?
A. Triangular
B. Tetrahedral
C. Square planner
D. Linear

543. Pi bonds are produced by overlapping of__________________?
A. Un-hybrid orbitals
B. Hybrid orbitals
C. Hybrid and un hybrid orbitals
D. atomic orbital and hybrid orbital

544. Molecular orbital which have higher energy than atomic orbitals is called___________________?
A. Bonding molecular orbital
B. Antibonding molecular orbital
C. Hybrid orbital
D. Super atomic orbital

545. Bond order for N2 molecule is __________________?
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4

546. Unit of dipole moment is_________________?
A. Debye
B. Poise
C. Pascal
D. Newton

547. The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electrons in a chemical bond is called _________________?
A. Ionization energy
B. Electron affinity
C. Electro negativity
D. None of the above

548. Which of the following will have highest value of electron affinity_________________?
A. F
B. Cl
C. Br
D. I

549. Which of the solid does not contain covalent bond________________?
A. Copper
B. Ice
C. Diamond
D. Graphite

550. Shielding effect across the period ________________?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Constant
D. None