441. The magnetic quantum number (QN) has its values determined directly by the value of_______________?
A. Principal (QN)
B. Azimuthal (QN)
C. Spin (QN)
D. Both A & B

442. The maximum number of electron in a sub shell with ? = 3fs______________?
A. 6
B. 10
C. 14
D. 18

443. When an atom absorbs energy the lines in the spectrum will appear which are_________________?
A. Brighter
B. Darker
C. Colorless
D. Hard to locate

444. Which one is not true about cathode rays ?
A. 9.11×10-31 Kg
B. Cast shadow
C. Heat up the platinum foil
D. Cannot ionize

445. Rutherford’s planet like structure was defective and unsatisfactory because_________________?
A. Moving e- accelerate towards the nucleus
B. Continuous spectrum
C. behavior of electron remain unexplained
D. all

446. Splitting of spectral lines when atom is subjected to magnetic field is called _______________?
A. Zeeman’s effect
B. Starks effect
C. Photo electric effect
D. Compton effect

447. Which one of the following explain the shape of orbitals _________________?
A. Principal of quantum number
B. Azimuthal quantum number
C. Magnetic quantum number
D. Spin quantum number

448. Pressure in gas discharge tube was kept________________?
A. 10 torr
B. 1 torr
C. 0.1 torr
D. 0.01 torr

449. Angle of deflection was studied by________________?
A. Hitorff
B. Stoney
C. William Crookes
D. J.Perrin

450. Positive rays give flash on________________?
A. AgNO3 plate
B. AgCl plate
C. ZnO
D. ZnS