1041. The atomic radii decreases by increasing atomic number in________.

A. Alkali Metal
B. Alkaline earth metal
C. Elements from Li to Ne *
D. Halogens

1042. The atoms of same element having same atomic number but different mass number are called ________.

A. Isobars
B. Isomers
C. Isotopes *
D. Istotropes

1043. Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form ________.

A. Hard Water
B. Soft Water
C. Heavy Water *
D. Water Gas

1044. Ionization energy depends upon_________.

A. Nuclear charge
B. Shielding effect
C. Atomic Size
D. I.E. depends upon all of the above and nature of Orbital *

1045. Higher value of electron affinity means_______.

A. Atom will lose electron easily
B. Atom will gain electron easily *
C. Atom may form di-positive ion
D. The reason is unknown

1046. Oxidation state of an atom represents ______.

A. Number of electrons gained
B. Number of electrons lost
C. Apparent charge in compound *
D. Its vacancies

1047. Noble gases are named so because they are _______.

A. Inert *
B. Zero group element
C. Having completely filled valence shell
D. All

1048. Mart the correct statement _______.

A. The NA+ atom is smaller than the NA
B. NA+ is larger than NA atom
C. CL- is smaller than CI atom
D. CI- ( ions are equal in size )

1049. Inner transition elements are called ______.

A. Lanthanides
B. Actinides
C. Rare earth metals
D. All *

1050. Mark the correct statement ______.

A. all halogens are present during the same time period
B. all aLL lanthanides are present in the same group
C. all the alkali metals are present in the same period *
D. all the noble gases are present in the same period