891. Which one of the following element has highest oxidation state in its compounds ?
A. Cr
B. Mn
C. Sn
D. O

892. Which of the following cannot exist in solution_________________?
A. O-2
B. H+
C. Cl-
D. Na+

893. An element having low value of ionization energy and low value of electron affinity is likely to belong to__________________?
A. Group IA
B. Group IB
C. Group VIIA
D. Group VIII

894. Which of the following always increases on going from top to bottom in a group ?
A. Metallic character
B. Electronegativity
C. Oxidizing power
D. Tendency to get reduced

895. Among halogens the highest boiling point is of___________________?
A. Flrorine
B. Chlorine
C. Bromine
D. Iodine

896. The scientist who did not contribute in the construction of periodic table ?
A. Al-Razi
B. Moseley
C. Dobereiner
D. Democritus

897. Which element was not known when Mendeleev proposed his classification ?
A. Hydrogen
B. Sodium
C. Copper
D. Germanium

898. Noble gases are named so because they are__________________?
A. less reactive
B. Zero group elements
C. Having completely filled valence shell
D. All

899. The longest period in the modern periodic table is___________________?
A. 6th
B. 7th
C. 2nd and 3rd both
D. 5th

900. Seventh period contains _________________ normal elements ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8