771. When the central atom of coordination compound is sp3d2 hybridization the expected geometry will be___________________?
A. tetrahedral
B. square planar
C. trigonal bipyramidal
D. octahedral

772. In the production of wrought iron Mg Si and P are removed in the form of___________________?
A. oxides
B. silicates
C. slag
D. carbonates

773. Any process of chemical decay of metals due to the action of surrounding medium is called__________________?
A. activation
B. enameling
C. corrosion
D. coating

774. Polymers described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called________________?
A. Biopolymers
B. Dimers
C. Monomers
D. metamers

775. The important monomers of acryclic resins is__________________?
A. Vinyl chloride
B. Styrene
C. Methylmethacrylate
D. Hexamethylenediamine

776. Industrial materials and thermal power stations are coated with______________________?
A. Polyester resins
B. Epoxy paints
C. Polyamide resins
D. Polyvinyl chloride

777. Common example of carbohydrates are__________________?
A. Cellulose glycogen galactose
B. Glyceraldehydes glucose peptone
C. Glycerol phospho lipids collagen
D. Legumin amylopectin albumin

778. Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields________________?
A. one monosaccharide unit
B. No monosaccharide unit
C. 2-9 monosaccharide unit
D. many monosaccharide

779. The process of polymerization was classified by___________________?
A. Strecker
B. Sabatier
C. Runge
D. W. H. Carothers

780. Protein attached to some non protein group is called____________________?
A. Derived protein
B. Sample protein
C. Proteoses
D. Conjugated protein