1021. The insoluble impurities in the saturated solution are removed by_______.

A. Normal Filter Paper
B. Fluted Filter Paper
C. Both A & B *
D. None

1022. After filtration slow cooling yeilds _______.

A. Bigger & Pure Crystals
B. Bigger & Impure Crystals *
C. Smaller & Pure
D. Smaller & Impure

1023. The Crystals are drying through a _________.

A. Vaccum Pump
B. Direct providing heat
C. Vaccum desiccator *
D. None

1024. Which one is not the drying agent ?

C. Silica Gel
D. Phosphorus penta-Oxide

1025. The Coloured impurities are removed from the crystallized substances by _______.

A. Cooling
B. Aeration
C. Boiling *
D. Heating

1026. Chromatography phenomenon is based on _______.

A. Separation
B. Precipitation
C. Filtration
D. Distribution *

1027. Chromatography in which the stationary phase is liquid is called ______.

A. Absorption chromatography
B. Absorption chromatography
C. Partition Chromatography *
D. None

1028. Paper Chromatography is a type _______.

A. Absorption chromatography
B. Partition Chromatography *
C. Absorption Chromatography
D. None

1029. The Technique in which the solvent travels upwards by capillary actions is _______.

A. Ascending *
B. Descending
C. Radial
D. Circular

1030. The paper which dried spots is dip into solvent mixture with the depth of _______.

A. 1-2 CM
B. 5-6 Cm
C. 1-2 MM
D. 5-6 MM *