881. The atomic radii decreases by increasing atomic number in________________?
A. Alkali metal
B. Alkaline earth metal
C. Elements from Li to Ne
D. Halogens

882. An element has electronic conviguration 1s2 2s2 2p2. It belongs to__________________?
A. Group II-A
B. Group IV-A
C. Group VII-A
D. Group VI-A

883. Which of the following ion is stable in aqueous solution ?
A. H+
B. H-
C. Cl-
D. All are stable

884. The atoms of same element having same atomic number but different mass number are called____________________?
A. Isobars
B. Isomers
C. Isotopes
D. Isotropes

885. Which order of ionization energy is correct_________________?
A. Mg P
C. Mg > A1
D. both B & C

886. Shielding effect across the period_________________?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Can not be predicted
D. Remains constant

887. Higher value of electron affinity means__________________?
A. Atom will lose electron easily
B. Atom will gain electron easily
C. Atom may form di-positive ion
D. The reason is unknown

888. Melting points of VII-A group elements down the group ____________________?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain constant
D. No regular trend

889. Which of the following possesses maximum hydration energy ?
A. Na+
B. K+
C. Mg+2
D. Ca+2

890. True increasing order of acidity of the oxides of Mn is_________________?
A. MnO < MnO2 < Mn2O7
B. Mn2O7 > MnO2 > MnO
C. MnO2 > MnO > Mn2O7
D. MnO2 > Mn2O7 > MnO